产品名称: 口腔唾液采样棒/唾液收集刷/一次性取样拭子(可脱卸采样头)
英文名称: Saliva/ Sampling Swab (Removable Swab Head)
产品编号: #1302
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 苏州
品牌商标: 苏州泰通
更新时间: null
使用范围: null
- 联系人 :
- 地址 : 常熟市虞山林场三峰工业园4幢
- 邮编 : 215500
- 所在区域 : 江苏
- 电话 : 139****1898 点击查看
- 传真 : 点击查看
- 邮箱 : ttgene@126.com
口腔唾液采样拭子/唾液收集刷/一次性采样拭子(可脱卸采样头) 材料:采样头 - 医疗用聚氨脂海绵 采样杆 - ABS 产品说明:本产品采用医疗专用聚氨脂海绵做原料并在无尘车间内加工,具有极低的发尘量、吸液性强、柔软洁净等优点。热发射技术使采样头固定在ABS手柄上,避免了使用粘合剂,产品独立密封包装,辐射消毒。采样冠采用之物料对微生物无毒害,能大量增加样本的采集、释放量及提高样本送检期间之保存效果。 使用说明:单手持采样拭子,将采样头伸入口腔并放在盘牙位置,用上下盘牙轻轻咬住15-20秒,以便口腔深处及舌底的唾液被采样头吸收,然后,轻轻取出采样拭子。然后,一只手拿采样拭子细杆末端,另一只手拿采样拭子外部的套杆,把采样头推到离心管或者其他收集容器内保存样品。采样细杆及套杆放入医疗机构设有的废物处理袋内。 产品特点:独立密封包装及辐射消毒,使用方便,操作简单; 无交叉污染,保证实验结果可靠。 Disposable Oral Saliva Collection Swab (Removable Swab Head) Swab head made of Medical Polyurethane spongewith ABS made swab stick. Using method: --Insert the swab by one hand into the mouth cavity and place the swab head between upper and lower Molar teeth and slightly bite the swab head for 15-20 seconds for saliva absorption; --After Saliva collection, gently take out the swab. Hold at the end of interior stick by One hand and use the other hand to hold and push the exterior stick as to eject the swab head into centrifugal tube or other kinds of collection tubes; --Tighten the lid of centrifugal tube and preserve under room temperature. Disposing way: --After use, put the interior and exterior rod into garbage bags in medical organizations specific for incineration treatment. Product Characteristics: --Collecting saliva/ cells in a simple & easy way; --Easy carrying and disposable without cross contamination to achieve accurate examination results. --Material of Swab Head is harmless to micro-organisms, and can enhance sample acquisition,release and better preservation before sample examination.