
一次降解组测序即可鉴定出成百上千条miRNA作用的靶基因,远胜于传统的5’RACE方案。 |
提供Q30(PhredScore)以上数据,确保数据分析的准确性。 |
拥有自主开发的数据分析软件ACGT301-DEG101,并结合CleaveLand,可靠性已经过大量实验项目检验。 |
使用全新优化的文库构建方案使得样本起始量更少、建库步骤更简单、测序读长更长,同时PCR扩增次数和割胶纯化次数更少,因而能够更真实地反映样本降解组的丰度,进一步提高实验数据的准确性。 |

Nucleic Acids Res:使用降解组测序鉴定小鼠miRNA以剪切方式调控的靶基因
Bracken,C.P., Szubert,J.M., Mercer,T.R., Dinger,M.E., Thomson,D.W., Mattick,J.S., Michael,M.Z. and Goodall,G.J. (2011) Global analysis of the mammalian RNA degradome reveals widespread miRNA-dependent and miRNA-independent en-donucleolytic cleavage. Nucleic Acids Res., doi:10.1093/nar/gkr110. |
Plant Mol Biol:胡杨microRNA和靶基因研究
Li B, Duan H, Li J, Deng XW, Yin W, Xia X.(2013)Global identification of miRNAs and targets in Populus euphratica under salt stress. Plant Mol Biol 81(6):525-39 |
BMC Plant Biology: 二代测序鉴定铝胁迫下野生大豆miRNA及其靶基因
野生大豆(Glycine soja)是世界上种植面积最广的作物之一。相比于栽培大豆,野生大豆能够更好地适应自然环境的胁迫如干旱、碱、盐胁迫。华南农业大学亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室年海教授领衔的课题组联合使用miRNA测序和降解组测序技术大规模系统地测定了铝胁迫下野生大豆的miRNA表达谱和靶基因及其功能, 为深入理解铝胁迫下miRNA发挥的调控作用提供了重要信息。详细内容>>
Zeng QY, Yang CY, Ma QB, Li XP, Dong WW, Nian H. (2012) Identification of wild soybean miRNAs and their target genes responsive to aluminum stress. BMC Plant Biol 12(1), 182. |

- Yang J, Liu X, Xu B, Zhao N, Yang X, Zhang M. (2013) Identification of miRNAs and their targets using high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis in cytoplasmic male-sterile and its maintainer fertile lines of Brassica juncea. BMC Genomics [Epub ahead of print].
- Zhai L, Liu Z, Zou X, Jiang Y, Qiu F, Zhengand Y, Zhang Z. (2012) Genome-wide identification and analysis of microRNA responding to long-term waterlogging in crown roots of maize seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum [Epub ahead of print].
- Xu MY, Dong Y, Zhang QX, Zhang L, Luo YZ, Sun J, Fan YL, Wang L. (2012) Identification of miRNAs and their targets from Brassica napus by high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis. BMC Genomics 13:421.
- Mao W, Li Z, Xia X, Li Y, Yu J. (2012) A Combined Approach of High-Throughput Sequencing and Degradome Analysis Reveals Tissue Specific Expression of MicroRNAs and Their Targets in Cucumber. PLoS One 7(3), e33040
- Zhao M, Tai H, Sun S, Zhang F, Xu Y, et al. (2012) Cloning and Characterization of Maize miRNAs Involved in Responses to Nitrogen Deficiency. PLoS ONE 7(1), e29669.
- Zhang J, Zhang S, Han S, Wu T, Li X, Li W, Qi L. (2012) Genome-wide identification of microRNAs in larch and stage-specific modulation of 11 conserved microRNAs and their targets during somatic embryogenesis. Planta. [Epub ahead of print]
- Li B, Qin Y, Duan H, Yin W, Xia X. (2011) Genome-wide characterization of new and drought stress responsive microRNAs in Populus euphratica. J Exp Bot 62(11), 3765-79.