

作者:赛默飞世尔科技 2011-06-24T00:00 (访问量:3786)


Raman Spectroscopy and XPS Graphene

Workshop Presented at Carbon 2011 in Shanghai, China                       

Thermo Fisher Scientific will host two workshops on carbon materials characterization using both Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) on Monday, July 25 and Tuesday July 26 from 3:30pm to 5:15pm, venue: Lecture room A . During these hands-on sessions, we will show you how the two techniques can be used to gain important information about the physical and chemical nature of the carbon materials. Through presented studies and live demonstrations, we will offer a detailed overview as to the kinds of information obtainable from carbon materials and give you a chance to get hands-on experience with the latest state-of-the-art instrumentation.

The workshops will highlight the benefit  of using the combination of these two information rich techniques and show how both techniques are no longer the reserve of the research scientist but essential  tools for the analytical laboratory. There will also be time to talk to our senior application scientists to find out how we can help with your application needs. Stay tuned for more details about this valuable workshop.

Workshop #1 Raman Spectroscopy and XPS Characterization of Carbon Nano Tubes

This workshop will focus on the characterization of carbon nano tubes.  This two hour workshop will introduce the techniques of Raman spectroscopy and XPS and the valuable information that they provide about carbon nanotubes.

Detailed information about the measurements will be covered which will includes proper sampling methodologies, instrument considerations and spectral interpretation. Monday, July 25 3:30 to 5:15 PM

Workshop #2 Raman Spectroscopy and XPS Characterization of Graphene

This workshop will concentrate upon the characterization of Graphene. This two hour session will show you how the Raman spectroscopy and XPS can be used to gain important information about the physical and chemical nature of graphene.  This will include methodologies to determine layer thickness and uniformity.  Tuesday, July 26 3:30 to 5:15 PM

Attendees for Carbon 2011 could participate two the workshops free of change, anyone who is interesting to attend the workshops, please register here:

                  Click for Registration

Contact: Eric Zhang    +86-13564173281  yanliang.zhang@thermofisher.com

                Annie Zhang +86-13701015430  annie.zhang@thermofisher.com

                http://www.thermoscientific.com (English Website)

2011年世界碳科学年度大会(Carbon2011)将于201172429日在中国上海举办。作为炭材料研究机构实验装备主要厂商之-- 赛默飞世尔期间将举办两场 < 拉曼光谱与光电子能谱碳材料表征 > 的专题研讨会,两场内容不相同, 时间:2011725(周一)26(周二)的下午3:30 5:15, 地点:A 会议室。







参加Carbon2011的与会者可免费参加此研讨会, 参加研讨会者请您网上注册报名:


联系人: 张衍亮 13564173281  yanliang.zhang@thermofisher.com
张爱琴 13701015430  annie.zhang@thermofisher.com
http://www.thermo.com.cn (中文网址)

赛默飞世尔科技 商家主页

地 址: 上海新金桥路27号3,6,7号楼

联系人: 赛默飞世尔科技

电 话: 021-61621892

传 真: 021-61086173

